Advertising Manager CV

July 7, 2011

Advertising managers promote a company’s products and services. They are constantly I touch with a company’s marketing and sales departments to monitor the overall progress and profit. They are also responsible for hiring competitive staff at the same time manage the company’s advertising budget. Before an advertising professional reaches this position, he or she must have gained long and successful years in the advertising field.

Sample Advertising Manager CV Template

Terrence Donoghue
123 Owen Street,
Manchester, PR1 5DN
Telephone Number:  12 345 6789
Mobile Number: 07123456789
Email: [email protected]

Career Objective

Seeking employment as an advertising manager in a reputable company to engage in duties and responsibilities that will encourage the use of my skills and expertise
Educational Background
MS Marketing Management
Manchester Metropolitan University, 2003
BA Advertising Management and Brand management
Manchester Metropolitan University, 2000
Work Experience
2005-2009: Advertising Manager, Humbolt Advertising Company


•    Implemented advertising strategies
•    Developed advertising techniques and test for well-roundedness in terms of business, sales and technical points of view
•    Built good relationships with traders and consumers
•    Monitored everyday progress of sales and advertising team
•    Planned special product promotions
2003-2005: Assistant Advertising Manager, Real Advertising Agency


•    Assist the manger in negotiating agreements in managing sales materials
•    Study potentiality of assigned promotional works


•    Excellent organizational and managerial skills
•    Profound leadership skills
•    Immense know-how in the advertising and business management field


•    Done extensive research on advertising promotions
•    Implemented successful sales and marketing strategies that brought in $12 million to the company

Download Advertising Manager CV in Word Format

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