Construction Agreement Template

May 31, 2011

The following is the indemnification agreement between

(Name of the Client) and

(Name of the Contractor)                                                                                                                                                            It is agreed by both parties that

  1. The Contractor shall supply all the materials and labor required for completion of the assigned work.
  2. The contractor agrees to complete the work on___________________[ mention the date]
  3. The client shall pay the Contractor $ , in full payment.
  4. Any additional work or service shall be agreed to in writing and signed by both parties.
  5. The Contractor shall obtain and maintain any license or permits necessary for the work to be performed.
  6. Time is the essence of this agreement.

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of ___________________ (name of governing body)

__________________ (Signature of the Client) Date_______________(dd/mm/yy)

____________________(Signature of the Contractor) Date ___________(dd/mm/yy)

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