Franchise Agreement Template

May 31, 2011

Agreement Number: ____________ [registration number]

This franchise agreement is made and entered on ___/____/____ [acceptance date] between the following parties:

Details of the franchiser company:

Name: _______________________

Address: ______________________

Phone number: __________________

URL: ___________________________ hereinafter referred as the franchiser


Details of the franchisee:

Name: ______________________

Address: ____________________

Contact number: ______________ hereinafter called as the franchisee. [Provide all the contact details]

Product category and associated services for which the agreement is produced:


[Mention briefly about the product/ services and usage provided by the franchiser]

Mention marketing material and other facilities offered by the franchiser:


The franchiser is receiving $____________ [amount in the local currency] as a registration fee.

This agreement is starting from ___/____/___ and is ending on___/___/____ [effective dated]

Franchiser agreement is approved by both the companies:

Singed by the franchiser: _______________

Singed by the franchisee: _______________ [acceptance of agreement by both the parties]

Signature of the third party: _____________________ [witness]

Download Franchise Agreement Template In Word Format

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