Tenancy Agreement Template

May 31, 2011



Registration agreement Number: ____________

Date of Acceptance: _______/_______/________ [fill the legitimate number and registration date]

This confidentiality agreement is made and entered between

Details of Organization/ entrepreneur 1:

Name: ___________________-

Street Address: ____________, City: ____________, State: ______________PIN:__________

Phone Number: _______________

Official URL: _________________ hereinafter referred as the lessor organization.


Organization/ entrepreneur 2:

Name: ______________________

Address: ____________________

Contact Number: _____________

Authenticated Website: _________ hereinafter referred as the lessee organization. [Give the details as required]

This agreement is starting on ___/____/____ and is terminating on ____/____/___ [effective dates of the agreement]

Term & conditions for confidentiality agreement: [talk about the secret conditions]

The lessee organization is agreed to pay $ ____________ [amount] as an advance amount, whereas $_________ [amount in the local currency] will be paid to the lessor organization on the ___ [date] of every month for purchasing the chemical pesticides.

The lessor and the lessee organization will keep this deal confidential.

Termination can be true in case of any leakage of information happen from any of the parties to the third party.

Validation of the confidentiality agreement:

Signature of the Lessor Organization:


Signature of the Lessee Organization:

__________________ [acceptance of agreement by both the parties]

Signed by the Eyewitness:

_______________ [signature of the witness]

Download Tenancy Agreement Template In Word Format

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