Blank Certificate Template

June 8, 2011

A certificate is a document given as a sign of appreciation, commendation for a job well done. This applies in any situation; it can be in school, in the workplace or event in sports events. This certificate acknowledges exceptional performance from the person to who it is awarded. It contains the persons name and the reason for which it is being presented.
Sample Blank Certificate Template

Name of Issuing Authority/organization_______________________________



Certificate of Recognition.

Name of the person being acknowledged/awarded the certificate_______


Reason for    issue/acknowledgement__________________________(describe the event that led to the award)

This certificate is hereby issued to _______________________________for his/her extemporary performance/service to ______on the day of ___________for attaining position/or scoring /___marks in______competition /Assignment.

This certificate is issued to acknowledge excellence in performance, hard work and commitment in school/company. The above named person has shown extra ordinary zeal and effort in his work/studies that have made the management/school administration proud.

Date of issue/date of event_____________________

Name of issuing authority_________________Title__________Sign______

Name of issuing authority__________________Title______________Sign______



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