Employee rejection letter template

June 17, 2011

This template can be used to guide companies willing to inform job applicants that they will not be offered the jobs they had applied for. In a good employee rejection letter, the company informs the applicant that he/she did not meet the qualifications for the job and that the best candidate was offered the job. The employer expresses empathy for the applicant and encourages him/her to consider applying for other vacancies that may come up in future.

Sample employee rejection letter

Company letter head

Company logo


Name of recipient


City, street, state

Zip code

Dear (Applicant Name):

Following your interview for the (Name of Job) position, we have determined that another candidate is the most qualified for the requirements of our opening. We hereby wish to inform you that you have not been selected for the position and that we have offered the position to another candidate.

We really appreciate your interest in our company and that you took time to come to our interview.

Please feel free to apply for open positions, for which you qualify, in our company in the future.

We wish you every personal and professional success with your job search and in the future. Thank you for your interest in our organization.




Download Employee Rejection Letter in Template Word Format

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