Medicine Label Template

June 21, 2011

It is very essential to read the medical label of the medicine that an individual is taking. A medical label contains details like the composition of the medicine and number of times in a day the medicine can be consumed depending on the age. The expiry and manufacture date is also mentioned on the medical label. We need to keep these factors in mind while taking a medicine or else it can be fatal to health.

Sample Medical Label Template:


__________ [name of the ingredient] …… ___________ [quantity in which the ingredient is present]


_____________ [the ailment for which the medicine can be taken]


Cures _________, _____________, ___________ and _______________

[Diseases cured by taking this medicine]


For adults: _____ [number or spoons or number of pills] _________ times [number of times that it can be taken]

For children: _________ [number or spoons or number of pills] __________ times [number of times that it can be taken]

Storage: ________ [temperature] in a cool and dry place.

Download Medicine Label Template in Word Format



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