Vehicle Lease Template

June 21, 2011

A vehicle lease template is a legal document drafted between the owner of a vehicle and the individual taking the vehicle on lease. The details mentioned in this template include the monthly rent of the vehicle and the terms and the conditions agreed between the parties.

Sample Vehicle Lease Template

This vehicle lease is being made as on _______________ [date of registering the lease] between __________________ [name], known as the lessor and  ___________________ [name], known as the lessee for a vehicle owned by the lessor whose details are mentioned below:

Vehicle type: _________________

Vehicle make: ____________

Model number: _________________

Color: ____________________

Registration number: ______________

Terms and conditions to be followed by both the parties:

  1. The monthly rent of the vehicle is _____________ [amount].
  2. The expenses for the monthly maintenance of the vehicle will be borne by the _____ [mention the party].
  3. The lease expires on ______________ [date].

The signature of both the parties is mentioned below:

___________________                                                          ______________________

Signature of the lessor                                                        Signature of the lessee

Download Vehicle Lease Template in Word Format


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