Progressional Letter Template

June 22, 2011

A progressional letter template is of considerable benefit to the person who intends to compose letter in regards to his/her progression in the company/organization. The letter is, in general, addressed to the concerned authority, citing the factors working in favor of the person’s desire to progress. The ready format of the template helps to compose the letter.

Sample progression letter template:


_____________   (the recipient’s name, as applicable)

_____________   (designation of the person)

____________   (name of the department/section)

____________   (name of the company/institute/organization)

____________   (full address with locality, street, city name and pin code)

Date:   ___________   (date of mailing the letter)

Dear Sir/Madam

Subject:  _______________________   (the gist of the content of the letter in one line)

I would like to humbly state that   __________________________________________

(Concisely explaining the matter of one’s desire to progress)

The factors on which I would like to draw your attention –

  1. ________
  2. ________

(The points in one’s own favor)

It would be very kind of you for considering my case.

Yours sincerely

_______________    (signature of the concerned person)

_______________   (designation/position)

Download Progressional Letter Template in Word Format

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