Internet Marketing Plan Template

June 28, 2011

An internet marketing plan template is a layout used for the creation of a thorough and detailed plan for the internet marketing of a product. It is like any marketing plan except for the specific requirements of an online medium, which need to be addresses in the plan. The internet-marketing plan must be comprehensive and informative in all respects.

Sample Internet Marketing Plan Template:

Name: ___________________________ [Name of product]

Nature of product: ________________________ [Mention the kind of product being marketed online, for example a latest software or a newly launched book]

Date of launching of online publicity campaign: ____________________________ [dd/mm/yy] [Provide the relevant date]

Chief customer base targeted _____________________________ [Mention the intended customer profile for the product]

Strategies for generating maximum publicity and visual space online:

  • Plan 1: __________________
  • Plan 2: __________________
  • Plan 3: __________________ [Enlist the means by which the product will be guaranteed online space and online hits]

Chief website to be used: ________________________ [Mention the important websites where the product will be advertised. Also, mention if the product is to have its own website]

Download Internet Marketing Plan Template in Word Format



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