Product Launch Template

June 29, 2011

Once a product is created, essentially product launch emerges as the critical phase to its success. The Product Launch must take in hand all the steps essential to start volume manufacture, plan and carry out marketing actions, develop essential documentation, train sale and support workers (external and internal), pile up channels, and prepare to set up and maintain the product.

Sample Product Launch Template

Name of product _______________________________

Date of product launch –/–/—-

Name of the company/ firm ______________________

Scope of product ______________________________ (short description of the product)

Functions of product___________________________ (usefulness and benefits of the product)

Sales objectives ___________________ (purpose of the product sale)

List of promotional functions ___________________ (such as press releases/ website releases of product)

Areas in which the product shall be sold __________________________

Specification of the user’s requirements _________________ (brings forth the needs of the end user)

Market research ______________________ (to back up the claims of the product)

Download Product Launch Template in Word Format


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