Official Receipt Template

July 1, 2011

An official receipt template is a format of official receipt that can be related to anything from sale and purchase of the products or services to rent receipt, payment receipt and lease receipt. An Official receipt template will help you in filling the information quickly, which will save your time and effort significantly. If you have a new employee in your office, then he will also be able to fill that template, following the instructions mentioned in the template itself.

Sample Official Receipt Template

Date _____________________ (On which template is being filled)
Name of Company _____________________________________ (Name of the company which is issuing the receipt)
Name of the Supplier ________________________________ (Name of the company to which the receipt is being issued)
Purpose _____________________________________ (Purpose for which receipt is being issued)
Amount _______________________________________ (Amount for which receipt is being issued)
Name of the Receiver _______________________________ (Name of the person who has received the payment or shipment)
(Sign of the person who is filling the receipt)

Download Official Receipt Template in Word Format

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