Payment Receipt Template

July 1, 2011

A payment receipt template is the format of a payment receipt that you give to the person or company from which you have received the payment. With the help of a payment receipt template, you will not need to draft it time and again and it will make your job easier and faster.

Sample Payment Receipt Template

Name of the Company ___________________________ (Name of the company which has received the payment)
Received From ___________________________________ (Name of the company or person from where the payment has come)
Date _____________ (Date on which payment has been made or when the receipt is being signed)
Amount __________________________ (Amount of the payment which has been received)
Invoice No. _______________________ (No. of Invoice against which the payment has been received)
Name of person ______________________ (Name of the person who has received the payment)
(Sign of the person who has received the payment or who is filling the receipt)

Download Payment Receipt Template in Word Format

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