Water Bottle Label Template

June 21, 2011

Water bottle label template represents the label on the water bottles that contain all the minute details regarding a particular bottle of water.

Sample Wine label template

_________________________________ [name of the water]

Packed on ____________ [date on which the water bottle is packed]

Use within _____________ [Mention the expiry date before which one has to consume the water]

Effective chemicals: [mention about all the effective chemical ingredients along with their proportion]

Chemical Ingredient                         Proportion [in liter]

1. [Chemical Ingredient1]                  ________ per liter

2. [Chemical Ingredient 2]                  ________ per liter

3. [Chemical Ingredient 3]                  ________ per liter

4. [Chemical Ingredient 4]                  ________ per liter

5. [Chemical Ingredient5]                  ________per liter

Price including all service taxes __________ [mention the price of the water bottle]

Net quantity _______________ [mention the net quantity of the water contain in the bottle]

Manufactured and marketed by ______________ [name of the company who has manufactured and marketed]

Address _________________ [address of the company]

Contact number _________________

Download Water Bottle Label Template in Word Format



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