Business Plan Presentation Template

June 28, 2011

Whenever there is a proposed business plan, there is a necessity of a business plan presentation. A presentation is required to promote and sell the business plan. The presentation should give details about the product and how it can help. The business plan presentation template also contains the company name and the feasibility of the proposed business.

Sample Business Plan Presentation Template:

______________________________ [name of the company]

____________ [date on which the presentation is being made in dd/mm/yy format]

Image or logo of the company

_____________ [definition of the business in one line]

________________ [amount in dollars for the funding required to start the business]


This business is ideal for the ________________ [the name of the industry where this business can be applied] due to the cost cutting factor that it provides as a solution.

The team should have __________ [number of members required to build the business team]

Presentation by ___________ [name of the individual who has developed the presentation]

Download Business Plan Presentation Template in Word Format


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