Contractor Proposal Template

June 29, 2011

A contractor proposal template is a legal document which is drafted by a contractor when he is taking the contract of proving his services for any kind of construction. The template has details like the kind of construction service the contractor provides and total cost of construction.
Sample Contractor Proposal Template
I, _______________________ [name of the contractor] with office address at _________________ [street address of office] _______________ [city name] ________________ [state name] ___________ [postal code] would like to offer you my service for construction of ___________________ [the kind of construction to be done].
I would like to inform you that I have taken contract for various projects which have been completed successfully. I always hire skilled labor for any project with prior experience. Some projects of mine include:
[Type of projects]
The total cost of the project will come to _____________ [cost in dollars]. The project will take a total time period of ______________ [number of years].
Hope to work with you soon.

Download Contractor Proposal Template in Word Format

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