Quickbook Payment Receipt Template

July 1, 2011

QuickBook payment receipt template is a document which helps in making a payment receipt fast and easy. This template can be very important for your business, as it will help in keeping track of each and every transaction you make and each and every amount you give or take.

Sample QuickBook Payment Receipt Template

Invoice No. _____________ (Number of invoice for which payment has been made)
Amount paid _________________ (Amount for which the receipt is being made)
Date _____/_____/______ (Date on which payment has been made or when the receipt is being made)
Payment details ____________________ (Indicate whether payment has been made in cash or through check, draft, credit card or any other method)
Full or partial _______________________ (Whether payment has been made in full or there is any due amount)
Due Amount ______________________ (Indicate the amount if there is anything still due)
Payment received by ___________________________________ (who has received the payment)
(Sign of the person who has received the payment

Download Quickbook Payment Receipt Template in Word Format

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