Separation Agreement Template

May 31, 2011

Agreement registration Number: ___________ [authenticated legal number]

This separation agreement is made and entered on ___/____/____ [registration date]


Husband Name: _________________ residing at: ______________ Phone Number: _____________, hereinafter referred as the husband [details of the husband]


Wife Name: _________________ staying at: ________________ Phone Number hereinafter called as the wife. [Details of the wife]

Whereas the couple has decided to separate due to the following mentioned reason:


___________ [explain the causes of separation in brief]

The couple has __________ children for which particular are as followings:

Name            Date of Birth            Age

_____            __________            ______ [details of children]

The husband is agreed to pay $ ____________ as spouse settlement allowance and $ __________ for children allowance. [Amount in the local currency]

Validation of the separation agreement by the couple:

Singed by the Husband:


Singed by the Wife

______________   [agreement accepted by the couple]

Signature of the Witness:

_____________ [signature of the eyewitness]

Download Separation Agreement Template In Word Format

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